Tomonari Michiyama (道山知成)
I am an assistant professor at Shunan University. I'm an observational astronomer and interested in extragalactic merging galaxies and blackhole activities. I mainly use ALMA, ASTE, Nobeyama45m, and the other submillimeter telescopes. Thank you very much for visiting my home page!
Apr.2014 - Mar. 2019
SOKENDAI (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies) / Natinal Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) @ Tokyo
Apr.2010 - Mar.2014
Tohoku University (東北大学) @ Miyagi
Apr.2006 - Mar.2009
Shijyonawate high school (四條畷高校) @ Osaka
Shunan University, assistant professor
Apr.2021 - Mar.2023
Osaka University Theoretical Astro Physics Group
(ALMA joint posdoc)
Nov.2019 - Mar.2021
The Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics at Peking University (KIAA fellow)
Apr.2018 - Oct.2019
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) fellow (DC2)
Apr. 2016 — Mar.2018
SOKENDAI Associate Researcher Category A
Oct. 2014 — Mar.2016
SOKENDAI Associate Researcher Category B